GEPC 2024 Fall Seminar

Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024
Time: 11:30am - 4:00pm
Location: Greenville City Club
Speaker: Jennifer Goode National Director, Institute for Trust and Estate Planning, Bernstein and Eido Walny, Founder/Managing Attorney, The Walny Law Group

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Greenville Estate Planning Council

2024 Fall Seminar
Jennifer Goode

National Director, Institute for Trust and Estate Planning

Challenges of Planning for Individuals Without Descendants


Eido M. Walny, Esq.

Walny Legal Group, LLC

"10 Lessons Learned From Recently Deceased Celebrities"

Thursday, September 19th

Greenville City Club, One Liberty Square

55 Beattie Pl Fl 17 Floor 17, Greenville,

Registration and lunch begins @ 11:30
Seminar begins @ 12:00 and concludes @ 4:00

CE credits are pending

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